Global IP Consulting


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Our Approach

Who are we?

Experienced professionals based out of Oxford and Warwick working with clients to commercialise disruptive innovations from high-tech companies, university laboratories, and leading global research institutes.

A network of entrepreneurs and business advisors with a solid track record of success in bringing to market products and services based on scientific and technical innovations.

How do we help?

We provide practical hands-on support to accelerate IP commercialisation and technology transfer. We help technology based SME’s and start-up companies to define effective business strategies, conduct market research, raise funding and reach new customers. We help large companies identify and evaluate new technology opportunities. We help research organisations achieve their knowledge transfer objectives.

Where do we operate?

From our base in the UK we have delivered services to clients in the UK, Europe, the Middle East and across South East Asia. We have strong links to research institutes in Ukraine and we are keen to support intitiaves that strengthen links with the UK. We have supported projects in sectors that range from clean tech, medical devices, to agriculture.

What services do we provide?

We will work with you to achieve your objectives, this often includes:

Training in technology transfer best practice is based upon practical experience gaining working in technology transfer at the University of Oxford, and with other world-leading research organisations in the UK, Europe and Asia Pacific regions. As well as working with Tech Transfer professionals and university staff, we have also had lots of fun helping students learning the basics.

Working with start-up companies

All companies, but in particular those with innovative new technology products and services need a clearly defined set of goals, and a business strategy designed to achieve these goals based upon a detailed analysis of market opportunities and their strengths and weaknesses when compared to their competitors.

HOWEVER, you also need to mix in a little lateral thinking and digging into real customer motivations to make sure the logical approach will actually work!

Working with entrepreneurs at the interface between science and industry, the Global IP Consulting team have extensive experience in building business plans for fund raising and to establish viable start-up companies.

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